When a desk phone isn’t the best option.
When space is limited. When your office goes with you. When budgets require creative teamwork. Introducing OpenScape Personal: a flexible, low-cost UC client for the office and beyond.
OpenScape Personal: An entry-level unified communications soft client.
It’s designed for those who are mainly office-based, but sometimes work from home or are occasionally mobile. At all locations, OpenScape Personal offers easy access to incoming and outgoing voice communications and an efficient, quick way of communicating with contacts.
Small footprint. Feature-rich. Cost-effective.
OpenScape Personal does not require a server, making it simple to deploy. Features include soft phone functionality and basic call management and screening capabilities, intuitive click-to-call to groupware and directory access, call journal, ad-hoc audio conferencing and multi-party video conferencing with Continuous Presence video views. Desktop UC. Just the way you need it.